Uriah Heep

Netherlands, Tilburg


After a terrible traffic jam and a Big Mac we (Kees and I) arrived in 013 at Tilburg. Here were more than 1000 Heep-faUriah Heep, Tilburg, 2001ns.










Uriah Heep, Tilburg, 2001

        Bernie and Lee in full action


Uriah Heep, Tilburg, 2001











                                                            Mick and Phil

Uriah Heep, Tilburg, 2001


Uriah Heep, Tilburg, 2001













Uriah Heep, Tilburg, 2001





Uriah Heep, Tilburg, 2001










Uriah Heep, Tilburg, 2001






Here I was on a May-evening singing July morning

Uriah Heep, Tilburg, 2001














